[EGX Rezzed 2015 Entry] 2D Platformer based around the passing of the legendary Terry Pratchett. The player takes on the role of Terry Pratchett himself, exploring fantasy style worlds within his dream state. We incorporated realistic elements of his life, in particular we wanted to concentrate on teaching younger children about Alzheimers which Terry suffered from. So throughout the levels he is constantly battling against his condition to find his lost keys and pages to progress to the next level. Eventually he finds himself climbing the stairs to heaven with a dedication that his name will always live on.

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Platform MS Windows
Tools and Technologies Coded in C# using Unity Pro v5.0.0f4
Credits James Woods - Lead Designer/Programmer
Tanya Down - Designer/Programmer
Jason Tuyen - Programmer
Jack Davenport - Designer/Programmer
Michael Clark - Sound / Audio

• Sourcing apporpriate free assets to be added to each level including menus
• Designing the end Heaven level
• Creating pickable objects (keys / pages)
• Animating the player model with free sprite sheets
• Implementing UI with objects appearing when collected.
• Creating doors which can be unlocked with a key in each level